Speaker Cable:
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Speaker Cable
Iconoclast speaker cables use a unique configuration of Belden's bonded pairs -- developed originally for data cable applications -- insulated in a thin Teflon skin and woven tightly together for low inductance without the usual problematic high capacitance. The design works to flatten the VP (velocity of propagation) curve through the audio band for the best possible timing performance in speaker cable.

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Available in three conductor materials:

Electrolytic Tough-Pitch Copper: 99.9% pure; used in most quality communications cable99.9% pure
Oxygen-Free Electrolytic Copper: 99.99% pure, higher grade than traditional OFHC (Series-1 cable only)99.99% pure
Silver-Plated Tough Pitch Copper: our TPC with an electroplate of silver99.998% pure
Braided bonded-pair construction helps to flatten the VP curve through the audio band
Large circular mil area means low effective AWG, low resistance and damping factor
Ultrasonic welding brings 48 or 96 solid wires together into a durable termination
Design Details:
The pairs:
The Weave:
The pairing of polarities:
Jacket colors:
For a Deeper Dive:

"After hundreds of hours of listening, the overriding character I get from the Iconoclast Series 2 cables is one of resolution and transparency while maintaining a neutral timbal balance. These qualities aren't limited to higher frequencies but extend into the midrange and bass regions. This defining characteristic, plus superb dynamics, make for a truly outstanding cable design. "

-Ken Redmond,, in Tracking Angle
Iconoclast Cable
3216 16th Ave W
Seattle WA 98119
206 284 2924