BAV Power Cable:
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BAV XLR Cable:
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Length in feet
Pair or Single

BAV RCA Cable:
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Length in feet
Pair or Single

S/PDIF Cable:
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BAV Speaker Cable:
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Cable Stock:
Pair or Single:
Amp connectors
Speaker connectors

REL-compatible cables
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Length in feet
Connectors (Amp end)

BAV Power and Audio
There are a variety of other Belden products which form the basis for excellent power and audio cables. Some of these -- the RCA and XLR -- are variants of the Iconoclast designs, rendered in more flexible and lower-cost materials. Others -- the power, S/PDIF and speaker cables below -- are more conventional designs but executed with high-quality materials and construction.
 ProductsDesignBlog Reviews Info shopping cart
  BAV 10 AWG power cord, with techflex Power:
Belden 19105, 6 and 7
Power cords in 10, 12 or 14 AWG, with EPDM dielectric and optional techflex
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  BAV XLR Cable XLR:Star-quad balanced cable built to the design of Iconoclast Series-1 XLR cable, in softer, more flexible materials
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  BAV RCA Cable RCA: Like the BAV XLR, the BAV RCA is built to the Iconoclast Series-1 design, in more flexible materials
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  BAV S/PDIF Cable S/PDIF Digital Audio:
Belden 4694P
Our S/PDIF coaxial digital audio cable is made with Belden's Teflon-dielectric 12G SDI coax
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  BAV Speaker Cable Speaker:Belden 1310A, 1313A
Speaker cables made using Belden 1313A paired or 1310A quad speaker cable stock
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REL-compatible Speaker Cables:We also offer speaker cables compatible with REL subwoofers, in single, pair or "six-pack" configuration.
Iconoclast Cable
3216 16th Ave W
Seattle WA 98119
206 284 2924