Iconoclast Series-2 Speaker Cable Design Memo Galen Gareis, May 15, 2023 BACKGROUND: I improved the series II RCA and XLR by realizing that the SIGNAL wire needs special parameters that I isolated in several listening tests early on. Both properties are connected; -Wire coherence improvements. Same, or near the same current through the wire cross-section based on wire size getting smaller… Continue Reading
Parallel Speaker Cable Wiring Analysis Galen Gareis, August 11, 2022 Blue Jeans constantly tries to drive down the cost of our hobby, and of course we do that with our wire products. The 1310A is a stepping stone to more complex and expensive designs, called ICONOCLAST(TM). Four separate and different cable examples demonstrate how parallel cable halves L and R… Continue Reading
Speaker Cable Design Brief Galen Gareis, January 29, 2020 Speaker cables are a very different animal than high input impedance interconnecting cables. A speaker cable connects to an extremely inconsistent 2-32 ohm (or even lower and higher!) reactive load created by the speaker. RCA and XLR interconnect cables see a much more consistent and resistive high impedance load making… Continue Reading